
  • Mfr: Camber Pharmaceuticals
  • 500 MG
Valacyclovir Valacyclovir is a suppressive therapy in the treatment of herpes zoster infections (shingles) or genital herpes. It also can prevent a genital herpes infection from coming back.
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Valacyclovir Prescription Medication Prescribed by

Valacyclovir is a popular antiviral drug in treating or managing diseases brought on by particular strains of viruses. The medication also treats shingles, most commonly caused by herpes zoster and cold sores, typically around the mouth.

Why you should buy Valacyclovir from

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  • True authenticity. only sells brand-name Valacyclovir in the United States.

  • Professional quality. A doctor licensed in your residing State prescribes your medication, and a pharmacist licensed in State dispenses your medication.

How Does Herpes Cause Cold Sores?

When you get infected with herpes, it moves through the skin into the nerve cells and becomes latent in most cases, hiding from your immune system in a sort of viral cold war. This infection generally has no symptoms, so you have no idea it is happening. Then something triggers a reaction in the virus, usually something that knocks down your immune response.

Common triggers include:

  • Stress

  • Illness

  • Immunosuppression

  • Surgery

  • Menstruation

  • Exposure to sunlight

When that happens, tiny blisters begin to form in a cluster in an area near the infection as the virus reproduces. Eventually, these blisters burst and scab over, creating the distinctive vision of a cold sore. A person is most infectious at this time.

Can I Get Genital Herpes From a Cold Sore?

Unfortunately, the answer is yes. HSV-1 can be spread from oral to genitals by oral sex. You can even give genital herpes by touching your cold sore and genitals.


Herpes At Home Test Kit

Powered by MyLabBox

The Herpes test kit identifies HSV-2 genital herpes, which is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections (STI) in the United States. This sickness can be transmitted through oral, anal, or vaginal intercourse. There are often no obvious signs or symptoms to alert you to the presence of this infection. In addition to normal screenings, you should get tested if you suspect you have herpes or have had unprotected intercourse.

Genital Herpes is the 2nd most common STD.

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Temporarily unavailable in NY state.

Test Collection Option: Finger prick

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Valacyclovir Used to Treat Chickenpox

Both infections are found in adults, but the medication is also safe for pediatric patients. In particular, doctors prescribe Valacyclovir to treat chickenpox in children, caused by the Varicella zoster virus and cold sores, most of which stem from herpes simplex.

The use of Valacyclovir is also every day in the treatment of outbreaks of genital herpes. It is possible to use it to reduce the frequency rate, particularly for people who are prone to experiencing frequent bouts.

The antiviral medication Valacyclovir works by inhibiting the growth of specific viruses. As a consequence of this, it does not eradicate viruses. The viruses, such as the herpes virus, continue to reside in the body and can cause outbreaks whenever the right conditions are present.

Therefore, treatment with Valacyclovir shortens the duration of the outbreaks and reduces their severity. It helps wounds to heal more quickly, stops new wounds from appearing and developing, and alleviates itching and pain that may be associated with the wounds. It is possible that taking this medication will also help shorten the duration of the excruciating pain that comes after wounds have healed.

How to use Valacyclovir

Because it is available in tablet form, Valacyclovir is administered orally. A course of treatment for shingles requires that the medication be consumed once every eight hours, equivalent to three times per day for an entire week or seven days. When treating genital herpes, the medication is typically administered twice daily, for example, in the morning and again at night, for five days.

It is advisable to follow the directions found on the prescription label carefully. If you find any section you do not understand, always ask your doctor to provide an extensive explanation. Doctors recommend using this medication as soon as you notice any symptoms.

It is also recommended to continue taking Valacyclovir even after you start feeling well. Hence, do not discontinue taking the medication without consulting your doctor first.

Before taking Valacyclovir

In decision-making, remember to ask your doctor about the side effects. Consider and evaluate the risks of using the drug properly. It aids in determining whether any potential harm would outweigh any potential benefits. A choice only your doctor should make for you.

Valacyclovir is used to treat the outbreaks of genital herpes but does not get rid of the virus. Therefore, the medication will not eliminate the spread of the virus. You can still infect others even when on the drug because herpes infections are contagious.

Use protection, especially a latex condom, during sexual activity to stop the transmission of genital herpes. Keep in mind to prevent other people from touching affected regions. Do not forget to wash your hands after contacting a diseased area thoroughly. It aids in preventing the infection from spreading to other persons.

Valacyclovir Allergic Reactions

If you have used this medication and had an allergic reaction, inform your physician. Notify your doctor if you experience allergic reactions to any other classes of medications.

Do not forget to tell your doctor if you have additional allergies to particular foods, animals, preservatives, or colors. Always read the ingredients provided on the label or container of non-prescription medications or goods.

Geriatric Valacyclovir Use

Recent research has not shown any geriatric-specific problems that would hinder the medications ability to help the elderly. Age, however, makes renal problems more likely to affect the elderly. In this situation, it is necessary to modify the valacyclovir dosage administered to seniors.

Valacyclovir drug interactions

Certain medications are never taken simultaneously due to drug interactions. If an interaction is probable, one may still be permitted to take two different medications in other circumstances. Your doctor might decide to adjust the dose or take additional precautions if an interaction occurs.

When taking Valacyclovir, you must inform your healthcare professional if you take any of the drugs mentioned below. Taking Valacyclovir with any other medicine discussed below is not usually advised. However, in some cases, it is deemed necessary. If you take both drugs together, your doctor may alter the dose or change the frequency of usage of one or both medicines.

Foscarnet or Tolvaptan

Even though Valacyclovir may be the best treatment, using it with either of the two may increase the chance of certain side effects or adjustments.

Fosphenytoin, Valproic Acid, or Phenytoin

Side effects

If any the following symptoms become severe, please consult your doctor






If any of the following side effects appear, contact your doctor immediately




Yellowness of the eyes or skin


Blood in urine


If a more severe side effect develops, you and your doctor may report the case to the Food and Drug Administration. Send a report by phone (1-800-332-1088) or through


Valacyclovir is a suppressive therapy in the treatment of herpes zoster infections (shingles) or genital herpes. It also can prevent a genital herpes infection from coming back.

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