Tips for Viagra Wives
Erectile dysfunction medications such as Viagra have helped millions of older men regain an active sex life. But do their wives appreciate the change?
Judith Newman asks this question in an article titled Love in the Time of Viagra. The article first appeared in Prevention magazine in 2011.
According to Ms. Newman, an older woman’s genital health can conflict with a man’s amped up sexual desire. But Ms. Newman is concerned with more than just the physical consequences of erectile dysfunction medications. She believes that these drugs can also lead to interpersonal conflicts. If couples are not honest with each other about sex, erectile dysfunction medications may cause misunderstandings and hurt feelings.
Ms. Newman is not completely against erectile dysfunction medications. In fact, she refers to Viagra as a “wonder drug.” She also points out that erectile dysfunction medications can benefit men physically and psychologically.
However, it can be difficult for women to adjust to a sudden increase in sexual activity. This is especially true for post-menopausal women who have symptoms such as lack of sexual desire and increased vaginal dryness.
Ms. Newman also notes that men who take erectile dysfunction medications still need to be sexually stimulated. These drugs do not work without arousal.
The experts in the article say that couples need to talk openly and honestly about sex. That’s good advice for all couples, even if erectile dysfunction medications are not in the mix.