Female Viagra Could Spur More Heart Attacks in the Bedroom: Here are 5 Warning Signs to Watch

Steven Schlosser
Written by: Steven Schlosser
Updated: 11/09/2015
Published: 11/09/2015

Now that Viagra for women could soon be appearing in the bedroom, cardiologists believe that older people should be more aware about the early symptoms of heart disease. Experts say that caution is particularly important for sedentary people who do not regularly exercise outside of sexual intercourse. Laxmi Mehta is a cardiologist at the Wexner Medical Center. She stated that couples should watch for five warning signs of possible heart disease. The warning signs can include snoring, heart palpitations, chest pain, erectile dysfunction, and hot flashes.

Certain heart disease warning signs are linked to sexual activity. Others are more noticeable when the person is at rest. Hot flashes can indicate that a woman isn’t producing as much estrogen. This female hormone has protective benefits for the heart. Hot flashes commonly occur in women going through menopause. Before menopause, women have a reduced risk of heart disease when compared to men. After menopause, women and men have an equal risk of heart disease. Women who experience hot flashes should have their cardiovascular health checked. In men, erectile dysfunction can be an early warning sign of heart disease. Men with erectile dysfunction should also undergo cardiovascular screening.

In both sexes, snoring can be any early warning sign of an underlying cardiovascular condition. That’s primarily because snoring is linked to sleep apnea, which contributes to disorders such as high blood pressure and heart arrhythmia. These conditions can trigger serious health problems such as stroke and heart failure. Dr. Mehta says that snoring can be a taboo topic between couples. When talking about snoring, it can be an awkward conversation. However, snoring can be related to serious health conditions, including sleep apnea. That’s why it’s important to discuss snoring with your partner.

Another early warning sign is heart palpitations. This condition is usually detected when the person is at rest. When people move around throughout the day, their hearts beat more rapidly. They are also focused on other tasks and may not notice minor changes in their heartbeat. Dr. Mehta said that many people with heart palpitations feel fine during the day. However, when they lay down to rest, they notice their heart racing or skipping beats.

The most obvious symptom of heart disease is chest pain during intercourse. Dr. Mehta said that it’s often the first symptom people notice. For many people, sexual intercourse is their only form of exercise. That’s why it’s common for people to first notice heart disease symptoms in the bedroom. People who have recently increased their level of sexual activity should take note of any chest pain during intercourse and discuss the symptoms with their physician.

The FDA recently approved flibanserin, the first prescription medication designed to increase female sexual desire. Proponents of the medication say that the drug gives women more choices and better control over their sex lives. Critics say that the benefits of the drug are questionable and that it may potentially have serious side effects.

Steven Schlosser

Steven Schlosser

Dr. Schlosser graduated from Lafayette College Phi Beta Kappa and attended Georgetown Medical School. He had 4 years of medical residency training at Tufts University in Boston in both Gynecology and Internal Medicine. He has had a spotless medical career for the past 40+ years and is Board Certified.

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Article by Steven Schlosser
