Dr. Steven Schlosser, MD

Dr. Schlosser graduated from Lafayette College Phi Beta Kappa and attended Georgetown Medical School. He had 4 years of medical residency training at Tufts University in Boston in both Gynecology and Internal Medicine. He has had a spotless medical career for the past 40+ years and is Board Certified.

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80% of Males Aged 40 to 70 with Peyronie’s Disease Have Erectile Dysfunction Issues

Many men suffer from a sexual health problem known as erectile dysfunction. This condition is characterized by the inability to get or maintain a firm erection for sexual activity. Recent studies suggest that more than 10 percent of men between the age of 40 and 70 have a severe form of erectile dysfunction. An additional 25 percent of men in this age group have moderate erectile dysfunction issues. This sexual health problem is highly dependent on age. The risk of erectile dysfunction rises from 22 percent at age 40 to 49 percent by age 70. Surveys have shown that erectile dysfunction can significantly affect a man’s quality of life.

Erectile dysfunction has commonly been associated with another sexual disorder known as Peyronie’s Disease. This condition causes the penis to curve, often resulting in painful erections and intercourse. Research indicates that up to 80 percent of males with Peyronie’s Disease aged 40 to 70 also have erectile dysfunction. Together, these conditions can significantly complicate a man’s sexual health and wellbeing.

The cause of Peyronie’s Disease is currently unknown. It’s estimated to occur in approximately 3 percent of men, but that number could be higher. Many men with Peyronie’s Disease do not seek treatment due to embarrassment. However, since the advent of erectile dysfunction medications, patients are more likely to discuss their sexual health problems with a physician. Now more men have been diagnosed with Peyronie’s Disease.

Doctors have long suspected that erectile dysfunction may be associated with Peyronie’s Disease. However, they have been reluctant to give erectile dysfunction medications to patients with Peyronie’s disease due to an FDA warning. This warning was required because men with Peyronie’s Disease were not specifically evaluated in clinical trials. Now, researchers aim to evaluate the safety of erectile dysfunction medications in patients with Peyronie’s Disease.

The comprehensive study included 176 patients. A thorough physical exam was performed on each participant. The examination included a penile duplex ultrasound to assess the condition of the penis. Participants also completed a self-administered sexual questionnaire that focused on Peyronie’s Disease. The men were also asked to grade their erectile capacity on a scale from 1 to 10. Treatment options were offered to the participants based on the results.

Some participants were given a prescription for erectile dysfunction medication. Approximately 24 months later, a post-treatment questionnaire was sent to the patients and their partners. The results showed that up to 70 percent of participants who received erectile dysfunction medication were satisfied with the treatment. None of the patients experienced adverse effects during sexual intercourse. The results indicate that men with erection problems and Peyronie’s Disease could benefit from taking erectile dysfunction medication.

Erectile dysfunction and Peyronie’s Disease can cause physical and psychological problems in men. When considering treatment options, look for a treatment that is safe and minimally invasive. Research shows that erectile dysfunction medications should be strongly considered as a primary treatment option for men with erectile dysfunction associated with Peyronie’s Disease.
