Sex After 50: Top 7 Healthful Reasons to Increase Your Sexual Activity
If you think that your sex life has to slow down just because you’re getting older, it’s time to reevaluate that assumption. People can still have an active sex life after age 50. In fact, it could actually be better for your health. Here’s a list of the top 7 healthful reasons to increase your sexual activity immediately.
Get better sleep
Sex can help you get better quality sleep. With so many of us battling insomnia and sleepless nights, that’s a definite benefit. Sexual activity can boost oxytocin levels, which promotes happiness and relaxation. It can also decrease cortisol levels, thereby reducing stress and anxiety. When you feel more relaxed and less stressed, it’s easier to get a good night’s rest.
Fight the aging process
Research from the Royal Edinburgh Hospital has shown that people who have sex at least 3 times per week look approximately 10 years younger than their peers. This effect may be due to the hormones released during sex. The researchers beleive that healthy lifestyle choices could also play a role. People who have regular sex may be more likely to diet and exercise.
Prevent genital dryness (GD)
Postmenopausal women often suffer from genital dryness (GD). However, regular sexual activity can actually prevent this condition. That’s because sex increases blood flow to the genitals, improves tissue elasticity, and increases production of natural lubrication. If you already have GD, talk to your doctor about the available treatment options.
Lower the risk of prostate cancer
A study of approximately 29,000 men aged 46 to 81 found that frequent ejaculation (approximately 21 times per month) might lower your risk of developing prostate cancer. The theory is that infrequent ejaculation allows carcinogens to stay in the body. Regular ejaculation can flush these toxins from your system and help prevent prostate cancer.
Improve your relationship
According to a 2014 study of 500 couples aged 58 to 85, regular sexual activity increases marital satisfaction. Sexual contact may include activities other than intercourse. The researchers found that kissing, hugging, and cuddling can also improve your marriage. If you want to make a difference in your relationship, try increasing physical contact with your partner.
Fewer headaches
Researchers at the University of Munster in Germany found that sex may help alleviate migraine pain. The study surveyed people who had sex during migraine headaches. Nearly 60% of participants reported that sexual activity reduced or eliminated pain. As it turns out, having a headache may not be a reason to postpone sexual activity. It could actually be the solution to the problem.
Boost your happiness
A Social Indicators Research report found that sex could actually boost your happiness. The study showed that people who had sex at least 2 times per week were 33% happier than people who did not have sex in the past year. The more sex you have, the happier you feel. If you want to boost your happiness levels, initiate some romance with your partner.