Why Viagra May Be Promoting Women to Have Surgical Procedures Like Breast Implants, Facelifts, and Vaginal Rejuvenation

Faith Coats
Written by: Faith Coats
Updated: 04/03/2015
Published: 04/03/2015

At first glance, it seems like Viagra benefits both men and women. Erectile dysfunction medications can completely restore a man’s sexual potency. But these drugs can have unintended consequences. In fact, many women are having surgical procedures in an attempt to keep up with their husband’s pharmaceutically enhanced sex drive.

Few people talk about the damaging effects erectile dysfunction medications can have on women and relationships. Many older couples have already adjusted to life without sex. Some women don’t really want to have an active sex life anymore. In those cases, Viagra can cause discord in the relationship.

On a physiological level, postmenopausal women may not be able to keep up. As women age, their hormones start to change. It’s normal for older women to have a lower sex drive. Women may also experience reduced vaginal elasticity and lubrication, which means that sex can be more painful.

Another significant complication is that Viagra can shorten the interval between ejaculation and another erection. Men love that, but many older women aren’t ready for an all night sex marathon. Most women would prefer to have 20 to 30 minutes of great sex. Prolonged intercourse can be painful. Without sufficient lubrication, it can also lead to vaginal tearing that exposes women to infections.

Viagra can also make women feel less desirable. Some women think that their presence isn’t even required during sex when their partner uses erectile dysfunction medications. It can make sex feel less intimate and romantic. A man who takes Viagra still needs to take the time to make his partner feel special. For many women, that’s an important part of arousal and sexual desire.

These feelings of inadequacy have led some women to the operating room. More and more women are getting plastic surgery to feel more sexy and desirable. Common procedures include breast implants, facelifts, and vaginal rejuvenation. If they can’t measure up, many women fear that their husbands will look elsewhere for sexual satisfaction.

And that can happen, but not typically for the reasons women think. Many women believe that sex should be natural and spontaneous. If a woman objects to a man using Viagra on those grounds, it can cause problems in the relationship. It usually causes a conflict when one partner wants to have sex and the other doesn’t.

So, how can women avoid the problems associated with erectile dysfunction medications? Relationship experts say that it’s important to talk to your partner about your needs and expectations. Viagra can highlight existing problems in a relationship.

Women need to be open and honest about their sexual preferences, or it could lead to dissatisfaction. Talk to your partner about what works for you and what doesn’t. Don’t cheat yourself out of good sex because you’re afraid to express your feelings and desires. Women have to take responsibility for certain things. If you need sexual lubricant, go buy some. If you don’t like a certain sexual position, tell your partner. Communication is the key to a healthy relationship.

Faith Coats

Faith Coats

Dr. Faith Coats is a Naturopathic Medical Doctor from a rural area in Northern California. She was always interested in integrative medicine due to her “holistic” upbringing. While completing her prerequisites for medical school, she became unhealthy and obese. She then took control of her health and was able to lose 100 pounds but struggled to maintain her weight loss. She graduated cum laude with a Bachelor of Science in Cellular Molecular Biology, as well as, minors in chemistry and dance from Humboldt State University. Before applying to medical school she took a gap year and worked as a scribe in the ER. It was through that experience that she realized that there is a real need for preventative medicine. This is when she discovered Naturopathic Medicine which blends her love of evidence based medicine with traditional therapies. She then transitioned to Arizona where she attended Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine. Throughout the 4 years of medical school she struggled

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Article by Faith Coats
