
  • Mfr: Merck & Co., Inc.
  • 1 MG
PROPECIA is the first and only FDA-approved pill prescribed to treat male pattern hair loss on the vertex (top of head) and anterior mid-scalp area (middle front of head) in men only.
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About Propecia

Propecia is a medication that works to stop hair loss associated with male pattern baldness. While hair loss isn’t a serious medical condition, it can cause emotional distress and lack of confidence. Men who treat hair loss with Propecia stop losing hair within 12 months, and most men see some new hair growth.

How does Propecia work?

Male pattern baldness is caused by sensitivity to the androgen DHT. Propecia blocks the enzyme responsible for converting testosterone into DHT, slowing or stopping hair loss. Take Propecia daily because if you stop the medication, your DHT levels will rise, and hair loss will resume.

Why choose Propecia?

Clinical trials have shown that Propecia is an effective treatment for male pattern baldness. The results show that 90 percent of men were able to stop their hair loss with Propecia, while 67 percent of men grew more hair. Propecia is convenient because it’s a pill that only has to be taken once daily with no need to use messy creams.

Directions for taking Propecia

Propecia is a small once-per-day pill taken discretely. You may take Propecia any time during the day, with or without food. While some men see results in as little as three months, it can take up to 12 months to see noticeable results.

Doctors advise their patients to take Propecia for at least one year before assessing the results. It would help you continue taking Propecia even after hair loss has stopped. Otherwise, your hair loss will resume.

How Long Before Propecia Begins Working?

Propecia, an oral medication, begins to work as soon as you take it, reducing hormone levels that impede hair growth. However, it will probably be 3 to 12 months before the drug’s hormone-lowering effects materialize in the form of new hair growth.

Men who experience male pattern hair loss have a limited number of treatment options. Propecia is the brand name of a prescription drug called finasteride and is the treatment for male pattern baldness, one of the most typical types of hair loss.

Male Pattern Hair Loss

Male pattern hair loss happens because hair follicles are susceptible to androgenic miniaturization. Hair follicles shrink and will eventually stop producing hair due to the conversion from normal testosterone to a form of testosterone called DHT.

Some men’s scalp hair follicles respond to increasing levels of DHT by shrinking and producing thinner hair until sometimes stopping hair production altogether. It affects up to 70 percent of men over their lifetimes.

Propecia works by blocking the conversion of testosterone into DHT, and in many men, this process stops male pattern hair loss. Ninety percent of men taking Propecia over five years grow new hair or do not lose more hair, while 75 percent of men taking a placebo continue to lose hair. The following table outlines five years of treatment effectiveness with Propecia versus placebo.

Hair Cycle: A Quick Refresher

Hair goes through three distinct phases during its lifespan — a three(ish)-month period of active growth (anagen), a transitional phase (catagen), and a resting phase (telogen). After around three months in the resting phase, the hair disappears to make room for a new one. Hair growth cycle.

Usually, around 90 percent of the hairs on your head are in the active growth stage, with the remainder in transition or rest. At this rate, you lose about 100 hairs a day.

Being subjected to severe stress or shock can cause up to 30 percent of hairs to prematurely switch from active growth to the telogen or resting phase. Stress can lead to hair falling out three times faster than average, a condition called Telogen Effluvium, or TE.

Stressed-Out Fall-Out

It’s thought that, in addition to any direct aftereffects of COVID-19, recovering from the infection and the disruption it causes to normal life can trigger this stress-induced hair loss.

Common Triggers for Telogen Effluvium

  • Major physical or psychological trauma

  • Surgery

  • High fever severe infection or other illness

  • Abrupt hormonal changes

  • Extreme weight loss or dietary changes

  • TE is different from more common causes of hair loss like androgenetic alopecia (male pattern baldness). It can affect both sexes, and only appears two to four months after the triggering event — the length of time hairs stay in the rest phase before falling out. Instead of the gradual, age-related hair loss experienced by many men, stress-related hair loss comes on fast and intensely.

That can be a little disconcerting, as you may suddenly notice a large amount of hair accumulating on your pillow, in the shower drain, or on your hairbrush. Your scalp hair may also feel or look thinner. An excellent way to tell if you have TE (versus another cause) is to tug gently on a few hairs on your scalp. If four or more come out, it’s likely TE.

Fortunately, TE doesn’t affect all your hairs at once, so there’s no risk you’ll suddenly go completely bald. But if you have large clumps of hair or new bald spots, you should see a doctor asap so they can determine the cause.

Side effects of Propecia

Side effects are typically mild and completely reversible. The most expected side effects include decreased libido, skin rash, abdominal pain, back pain, diarrhea, dizziness, headache, and edema. Men taking Propecia may also have difficulty getting or maintaining an erection. Contact your doctor for advice if you experience side effects while taking Propecia. In the possibility of an overdose, seek medical help immediately.

Propecia Inventory:

Status: IN STOCK Orders placed before 4 pm Eastern Standard Time will be shipped the same day. To learn more about Propecia, follow this link so you can buy Propecia from eDrugstore with confidence.


PROPECIA is the first and only FDA-approved pill prescribed to treat male pattern hair loss on the vertex (top of head) and anterior mid-scalp area (middle front of head) in men only.

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